Looking for opinions here. I have an application where I need to vary the speed of a single phase motor. In my research I have found that this is possible using a variable voltage source (like a cieling fan controller) or a controller that varies the frequency and voltage using pulse width...
I guess by "future consequences" I meant that I was affraid of failures of the VFD's and any possible long term effects on the motors.
Thanks for the input guys! It's nice to have some support on this subject. Until now, I've been basing my purchases on past experiences with no outside input. I appreciate your insight.
First of all, I'm new to the board. I've used the site a few times to research questions, but have never used it to post. My questions is very simple. What brand of VFD's do you recommend? I consistantly use VFD's for various applications (conveyors, fans, misc machines, etc..). Most of the...