Hi All,
We have a pump, Q=30 l/s, Hm=350 m. Speed= 1450 rpm, for agricultral irrigation sucking sandy water from a river. The water is too sandy and our pump wears off too quickly. Are there any filtering system for sandy water to be installed on the suction pipe of the pump?
Many thanks in...
We are working on a project for a shopping mall. There will be a large, more than 40000 sqm, underground car park. The designer says the car park will be partioned and each partition will not be more than 6000 sqm. The partitons will be covered by walls. There will be sprinklers and smoke...
Is there a formula to convert lighting of 1600 lux to W/m2? A customer says he has 1600 lux lighting. How can I convert 1600 lux to W/m2 for obtaining the cooling load from the lightning.
We are designing a sprinkler system for a shopping mall. The height of the shops are 6 m. and there is a suspended ceiling 4 m. above the floor. The height between the suspended ceiling and the ceiling is 2 m. There will be sprinklers installed for the fire protection of shops. Do we have to...
Hi All,
We are preparing a construction contract of a shopping mall. We must provide a test program in the contract. I need information on what tests regarding sanitary and fire fighting system must be conducted and the phases of tests. I mean during installation, taking over and after...
Hi All,
We are preparing a construction contract of a shopping mall. We must provide a test program in the contract. I need information on what tests regarding HVAC must be conducted and the phases of tests. I mean during installation, taking over and after completion.
A quick estimation is being asked if the cooling tower capacity increased about %25 percent more, how will this affect the system. I mean, the capacities of the other equipments in the system such as heat exchangers, pumps, piping,etc., would also be icreased.