Dear coleague,
I want to use a machine to produce manholes. I successfully casted one, but I failed twice before, as I use transport concrete, and I must have some guidance on the parameters of the concrete.
Catalin Dumitrescu,
Bellinghausen Beton SRL
Thanks, Ron,
I agree with you but, shouldn't we have also some specimens that we are supposed to cure JUST LIKE THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENT ? I really do not care what is the concrete plant design for the mix, what I am interested in is that I will have the resistance I accounted for in the design...
Dear All,
Just thinking: aren't we supposed to cure the samples just the same way we cure the structural element?
Replies mostly appreciated
Catalin Dumitrescu,
Bellinghausen Beton SRL
Dear All,
According to our code of practice, you may also use heaters, that does not exclude blankets, but there are mainly 2 ways to deal this problem:
1. preserving the hydration heat;
2. heating the element.
I personaly use the both, but, be carefull for the possible cracks that might...