I have a DIP that is spec'd out to be wrapped in Polyethylene encasement, 8 mil thick. I've never used or been on a job that called for polywrap, and basically I'm afraid that the contractor will have a difficult time keeping wrap intact during installation and when he taps the main. Has...
Well, I definitely CANNOT distribute it to the stormwater system, but thanks anyways. Orenda, it's just the backwash to clean the filters, the issue is resolved, there's a wet well sewage pumpstation being put in a couple hundred feet away, I designed the wet well to take the extra load from...
I have a pool that once every two weeks will drain at 300 gpm to be sent to the ww facility. The issue is the facility cannot take this load all at once. I need to find a tank that can store the water volume (1500 gallons) and send it to ww facility at a reduced rate of flow. I am having a...