> Where did PTC say that you can open a WF part in 2001?
Well, they claimed it to be backwards compatible (for instance at the pro-engineer user day in the netherlands 2002). So far it's not. Same goes for "less mouse clicks": not true. For some features it is, but in many others not.
Thanks Matthew, but currently the BMX module is not available to me...
Isn't there another way to work around this?
the problem is that initially the part is correct, but after regenerating it isn't anymore.
I used the centre of gravity of a protrusion, I put the spinal bend trajectory on...
I need to locate the centriod of a surface in order to generate (through offset) a curve which will be the trajectory of a spinal bend, and which will also generate the correct length op the part. I need the centroid to create the exact length of a part. Can't use mass properties, since...