You saying something about fiberglass got me thinking. Fiberglass wont work for this but carbon-fiber would.
I don't know much about making carbon-fiber either. The only things I have used it for is making knife handels and gun grips, but I am sure it will work for what I want. If I make the...
Thanks pat. I have made pistols and rifles before. I have also milled frames from blocks of aluminium and they have all work great, and I have put more rounds then I can count through them. So I know I can do it that way. It just takes so long and they're so many machineing operations that I was...
Thanks patprimmer. I know there was a guy in South Africa making polymer frames for Browning Hi-Powers in a one man shop ( here is a link with some pics if you're interested ). I don't know what tools he is useing or have his contact info or...
I have been trying to find out what the Glock and other polymer pistol frames are made of. A few places have said that the Glocks frame is made of "polymer 2" but what exactly is that?