As a design engineer, I was confronted with the task of designing a two story training tower for an on-site fire department of a large company. Can anyone give any recommendations or comments on how to approach a design that will be set on fire on a continuous basis? Do you know of any papers...
Under Note A for Table 1607.1 of the 2003 IBC, it is required that a concentrated load of 3000 lb over an area of 4.5"x4.5" is able to be supported for a vehicular parking garage. After some looking into, I feel that this loading is meant to simulate a jack lifting up a heavy truck. I don't...
Thanks everyone for their responses. This building was originally designed for a warehouse type loading and the owner wishes it to be converted into parking. I have to believe that the live load originally designed for is greater than the 40 psf currently required in IBC 2003. The problem...
If anyone could help me on this I would greatly appreciate it. I am currently working with a structure built using a series of ribs spaced at 25" o.c. supported by beams running perpendicular to the ribs. The width of the ribs is 5". Thus the clear span for the slab between the ribs is 20"...
I am currently working on a project which is going to convert an old (1920s) warehouse into a parking garage. The floor of the structure is a beam/ rib joist system with a thin slab between the joist. We need to create a ramp within the building rising approx 3.5 feet over approx 40 feet. My...