We are not running a waste gate : what is a waste gate exactly?
#1 to #4 cylinders feed exhaust to the A T/C
and the #5 to #8 cylinders feed exhaust to the B T/C
The T/C are at each end of the engine on top of the exhaust gas manifold[which is cylindrical in shape which runs the full lenght of...
hi mike
The turbochargers are fed with exhaust gas from a common exhaust gas manifold which in turn is fed with exhaust gas from all eight cylinders: that is both T/C are on the exhaust gas manifold, so yes they are interconnected all the time mike.
With the one Side of T/C out the other side...
hi tommy
yes we are tied to the grid.
I will have to get more information with regards to 'sync vectors'. Probably you could shed some more light on it's effect specifically.
Nomally when the turbo surges oneside has a speed increase while the other decrease in speed.
The liner temperatures...
tommy75 to be honest a increase in engine speed is not observed, i dont know if that has anything to do with the fact that the engines are slow speed[100 rpm].
Does anyone has any background information on Turbochargers:
I'm a plant operator for Two 20 MW slow speed[100rpm]diesel engines mitsubishi made, but lately we are having turbocharger problems such as heavy and continuously surging hence causing/forcing us to derate the units.
What could be...