I have a project on a small red brick framed home (exterior walls are actual 8" red brick, not veneer) that was built in 1947. The remodel includes tearing off the roof and replacing with trusses. Can anyone point me to design codes, guides, etc. on design of red brick structures? What would...
I am performing a design of an ICF (insulated concrete form) wall home and have a question related to minimum reinforcement. If I am to design the walls in accordance with ACI 318, vertical and horizontal reinforcement will be required at 18" o.c. per 14.3.5. The ICF documentation (I will be...
While designing wood framed shearwalls using capacities provided out of AWC table 4.3A, what is the difference between Plywood Siding and Wood Structural Panels. For example, 3/8" plywood siding with 6" edge nailing has a unit shear capacity of 450 plf while 3/8" wood structural panels with 6"...