Someone sent this design, instead of using two x pulley setups. This is what I needed. Thought I would share...
I appreciate all the comments, but I have been using steppers with great success in the past. Kiddies motion carts do not need highly precision servos with encoders etc. Circular track as suggested by FeX32 will no be suitable. Those of you who are acquainted with 4D motion cinemas will...
Actually, the weight of 60 kg is about the weight of two small children in a simple open plan cart. Yes the cart is on wheels guided by a 1 meter rail track. So the cart moves forwards and backwards, not up and down as I made it clear in my original post. The wheels are bearing loaded so the...
Good question! However the reasons I am using pulleys are:
1. Since I am building around 40 carts for a kidnergarden play den, linear actuators will cost me a fortune.
2. I am using stepper motors (6nm) as the entire carts system will be pc controlled.
It must be pc controlled and linear...
Hello all
I am designing a system to use around 5kg pulling power to drag a cart weighing 60kg for 1/2 meter forward and then backwards. If I use the 6 pulley system I can get to pull the cart nicely forward using only 5kg power. But I need to pull it backwards again using 5 kg power. Is there...