I read a lot about CEE plugs and sockets with pilot contact ( 63A and 125A), but when it concerns rubber flexible cable to built an electric extension I can not find the cable
Please check https://www.legrandservices.nl/documize/2012/10/20121015_58061_2.pdf and please help me to find the...
Concerning roof air raising, i saw a Method Statment wher they talk about two types of pressure. The pressure that we need to mantain in equilibrium the roof, and a pressure to raise the roof. In that particular case they talk about 140 mmH2O for the fiorst one and 250 mmH2o for the second...
See also thread1452-384612
As far I know there are at least two ways to assemble the guide ropes. The most comun is to pass the ropes throught the roof and use the pulleys bellow the roof shells in the periferic zone. Another way is to have the same pulleys on the top of the roof and use just...
In order to avoid or minimize the safety problem, normaly we do the roof air rising with redundant fans and supplied by exteranl generators with also an extra generator in stand-by.
Nevertheless, if everything goes wrong, the roof can be goes to the original position slowly as the air escapes...
Good afternoon,
As far I remenber, we welded some wire pins on the border of the roof in order to fix the wire mesh. This mesh was like a roll covered by plastic.
Is what you have done in your first option Syahar?
From your experience what is the avarege distance between the roof and the...
To be proportional to the circunference or diameter is the same because we have just a factor of scale ( PI=3,14.
Concerning the number of balancing wires and accordingly thumb rule of Syahar we need to have 20 wires instead of the 16 used ( diam:206´/10=~ 20).
I do not know if I am right but 16...
Thanks Syahar1975!
Your comment confirm my calculations.
But what about the balancing wires? How many we must use and type of cables?From I saw in the past and from the pictures it looks that they are around 9 to 11mm diam. which looks to small in order to do the equilibrium of the roof during...
Thanks Fegenbush!
In https://ferrysibarani.wordpress.com/2009/10/29/air-raising-process-dome-roof-tank/ you can see also the balancing wires in order to keep the roof in equilibrium.
Is there is any rule to calculate how many points around the tank and type of cable to be used?
I don't know if it is so easy as you say. The roof is not flat,is more like a dome, and if we consider the total area of the spherical calotte, then the force up wards is not the area X pressure. Could you please let me know about your previous experience?
I woukld like to know how to calculate the right pressure for roof air rising of a tank.
I have been involved in some but only as an observer. I would like to know if someone can help me on this issue.