Hello Everybody!
I'm designing an exhaust system for a turbocharged, diesel, 4.4 liters engine. I have the technical data provided by the manufacturer and it states that the engine will produce 505 cfm as the maximum exhaust flow rate. The problem is that it doesn't say if this flow rate is...
Thanks everybody for your help!
I looked for Darby's, Hooper's and Idelchik's methods and now i have plenty of data to continue with the design and choose a method that suits the best to the characteristics of the elbows we are designing.
Best Regards!
Hello everybody!
At my job we are designing a ducting system that will convey flue gases. I've searched in several books and technical documents but i haven't found a lot of information about mitered (or gored) elbows pressure drop. For the design we have chosen to use elbows with the following...
Thank you all once again.
After some days, i finally got the exhaust gases pressure for both boilers. I don't want to publish the values, since someone might use them wrongly, for a case where these values don't apply. So lets just suppose that the small boiler will have a discharge pressure...
I was thinking about what racookpe1978 says. His point is really important, so should i design the chimney and breeching just on the basis of the natural draft, without taking on count the flue gas discharge pressure at boiler's outlet?
Thanks Everybody!
Where can i find the maximum discharge pressure at the flue gases outlet? Is it calculated or the manufacturer provides this data? I have already reviewed some boiler's manuals but i haven't found this kind of data.
Thanks GHartmann for your answer, i really appreciate it.
I understand what you mean about the downstream pressure and the pressure drop: this will determine the fluid's pressure right after it passes through the wye.
Since the boilers are packaged units, their blowers will introduce the...
Hello Everybody!
At my job i`m designing the flue and chimney system for two different boilers (one is 125 BHP and the other one is 50 BHP). We want it to be a common system for both boilers. The problem is that, since the boilers are different, the flue gas for each one has different pressure...