Yes it is for the external UT part of some 5 yr external check. Thank you valleytank for your help.
Later on the client must have an internal inspection in which I will need a Lever II Tech to check the floor.
Thank you for all your help. It means a lot to have such professional people willing to help me clarify these matters.
Darthsoilguy2 thank you for sharing your experience with me and to take your time to help me.
The main reason that I am asking this is because the only UT readings that my...
Hi, everyone.
I have a misinterpretation or a lack of confusion of the code API 653 and I was wandering if someone can help me. I am performing an external inspection for a Tank that has more than 30 years. According to section 12 of the API 653 it is cited: Personnel performing the NDE shall...