Hello, I have some trouble with Sap2000.
For studing the soil structure interaction problem i need to place under my linear oscillator a spring and a dashpot which work in parallel.
I see the possibility to drow a single joint link, but i'm not sure of which link/support propriety i need to...
In fact this is my question...Can a linear springs give right resoults with a time-history non linear analysis? Some new work of Gazetas and Wolf (soil-structure interaction analysis in time domain) model the ground with springs and damper with linear formolation, but i'm still confused
it's a viscous damper. Thank for your reply. can you suggest me a metod to determinate the springs stiffness? My model is a bridge with pile foundation
Hi, i'm new here and i don't know if somebody can help me...
I must model a bridge with soil-structure interaction in account, i have read some works of Mylonakis, Gazetas ecc...
They model the interaction with springs and dashpot, calcolated by foundation and soil characteristic.Does this...