NX3 has now the ability to create "Assembly Sequences". Is there a way to convert these sequences into a mpeg or other sort of file that can be viewed on widows media?
thats what I would prefer to do, use templetes form IMAN, but now how do i get the palatte that i create, look at my IMAN database, it only seems to allow me to select ".pax" directories from outside the database, when creating a palette.
Hi everyone,
My question is as follows, at my company we run UG with IMAN. I would like to create drafting templates, but i'm not able to work the "palettes" correctly or something, becasue when i enter a directory name on the palette path to my C: drive, it give me an error, that it can't see...
I would like to know if any of you know some sites or locations where i can get alot of information on Knowledge Fusion and how it works with UG?
Actually i was more thanking for the input, I learn something new about using ug_convert. I didn't use ug_convert to solve this problem, the problem was that in our company NX3 is connected with IMAN, and on iman there's an option to switch form metric to inches, and during the installation of...
Well I can notice some changes using the Customer Default, in drafting my dimensioning style is changed into inches, and also when I select default or default all on the annotation preference I can notice some changes that I had set under Customer Default, but I know that the part is still in...
I just resently got NX3, how do i change the units from millimeters to inches, so that everytime i open UG it always opens as inches? I tryied using Customer Defaults, but it just donesn't seem to change anything, please help.