Ok, thank you very much.
I will try solid elements.
But, DO you know why the three beam elements works well? The odb figure attached on the reply.
Thank you.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=c98b834b-11c5-46f9-9a2a-5882ca21779e&file=MicrosoftTeams-image_(2).png
Thank you for your reply, FEA way.
I have try three beams comprsiion and three wires with solid elements, it works.
Sorry, I don't understand "tie surface elements to beams to represent their contact geometry directly".
Would you like to explain it for me?
Thank you very much.
This is the inp file.
Thank you.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=f7faab8b-3e5e-4b66-a5d1-ae6845304be4&file=compression39fibers_step_time0072.inp
Hello everyone,
I'm doing a simulation: a 3D beam is placed in a rigid box, and compress this box. But there is always penetration between the box and the beam, and penetration also occurs between the beams. I'm using general contacts and tabular for contact properties(normal...