sorry, the underlying base material is sand and gravels also, with rock below.
So now the profile is
an avg of 3/4/5 meters of uncompacted gravels
--- 2/3 of naturally compacted sands and gravels
-- limestone rock.
The abutments are piled, probably because designers having rock only 8-9 meters...
We were not using a roller, impossible because the we were excavating below water level, so the filling was pushed over and the first one or 2 meters just sank below the water.
We do have geotechnical engineers. Their advice is to start building the embankment and monitor the settlement. They...
sorry for such a long post!
We have been replacing 20000m3 of peat and soft silt below of the footprint of a 8 m high embankment with well graded sands and gravels, (we replaced down to a layer of sand and gravel also)
The depth of replacement varies 1 - 6m, and the level of ground water...
Thanks for the anwers.
I cannot stockpile because if I do it I run the risk of getting the material wetter if it rains (very often here).
The idea is first not to get moisture from the ground up into the first layers of embankment when we compact. Also what iandig says. So if I have a 8 meter...
Hi to all, this is my first post.
Building an embankment, 3m avg height for a future motorway, with Stoney clay, with borderline levels of moisture. Would laying a starter layer of 200m of pebble-like material help dry the clay faster, and so achieve better CBR values?