Dear All,
The interpretation of the new API-521 regarding the failure rate of two check valves in series (as is leading to missunderstanding and need your technical support
Foe example for the clean boiler feed water and high pressure BFW-Pump (50 Barg. discharge press.), asssuming...
Dear all,
According API-2000-7th-Ed.: Is there a must to consider the thermal Inbreathing for water stored in an Un-Insulated Tank ?
The Water Tank is equipped with Nitrogen-Blanketing line and has -5mBarg. Design-Vacuum Pressure.
Thanks in advance
Dear All,
I'm a commissioning engineer and have a problem with my client at site regarding recalibration and/or live test of ALL PSVs. The client would like to see PSVs recalibrated at work-shop (before installation) or make a live test, if the PSVs already installed in a package unit like as...