From another photo which I will upload tomorrow the corrosion seems to be external going it. The tubing is makeshift impulse line connected to a pump. The content of tubing and spool is H2SO4. No water.
Thanks guys. Sorry for the late reply as I had to fly to another site for a different problem. Anyway it is sort of worrying that there is no specific codes on tubing and fittings as they are primary containment similar to piping and vessels. I wish to correct my earlier statement that the...
Hi there
We just had an incident where a tubing connected to an end flange snapped and caused a chemical burn to the operator? Does anyone know what is the design/fabrication standard on tube to pipe/flange connection?
Thank you Duwe6
I have since found an EFMA standard which is somewhat similar to API653. Have you heard of Phonon? Do you know if its any good compared to AE?
Hi All
In one of our facilities, we have one double-walled liquid Ammonia tank which was built to API 620. It has never been inspected internally for more than 20 years now. With 40,000 MT storage it quickly becomes a major risk for the facility. The questions:
1. Since it is built to API 620...