The average temperature outside the room will be around the 95 farenheit degree. I need to mantain the relative humidity over 95% and temperature from 70 to 76 farenheit degree. I will install attached to the roof, the piping to provide the room with fog like nozzles. I'm considering provide...
This room is for a dam project, the general contractor just ask me to quote for the room, in fact I do not know how many specimens/test per day, but he mention about that he need storage capacity for 3,000 specimens.
I got a little experience with controlled temparature curing but not at this...
The room is going to be about 50'x 25'x 8'.
The climate in the area where the room is going to be located is very hot, I was thinking in use 6" thick CMU, Do you think that this wall thickness will be enough or I need to use more thickness to mantain the temperature more easily inside the room...
I'm working in a design and construction of a curing room. My question is, the possibly materials are going to be CMU and reinforced concrete floor, columns and roof, do the surfaces of the room have to have any special paint or is better let it unpaint (plastered). My...