I think I've removed the correct wire, you can see what I've built in the attachment. As for building in real life, I'm still to acquire the components I'm afraid.
Thanks for all your help again, you've decreased my hatred of electronics from a 10 to a 9 (it's no small...
Damn it, spoke too soon. I know I'm being a pain in the ass now Skogsgurra, but when a simulation with a voltmeter placed across the motor, it peaks at around 2.76 V with a 12 V source. Is there anyway for the motor to eventually end up with 12 V across it?
I'm guessing the answer is...
Damn it, I thought I replied to this already. Anyway, Skogsgurra you're exactly right in detailing what I'm after, the part in parentheses about the motor stopping when the lever is at zero is correct also. The ramp-up time should be around 5 seconds. The stopping time should be as short as...
DC circuit and a maxon motor as in the following link:- http://shop.maxonmotor.com/ishop/article/article/118400.xml
I had another look at timer relays and I guess I could make one, but I'd rather not. I'm going to test my circuit tomorrow on MultiSim and hopefully everything will be copasetic...
Norway2, that's exactly what I wish to do. However, is it possible to do so with capacitors and resistors and not a timer relay? The reason I ask this is that I googled timer relays and, to be honest, it seems a bit beyond my skill set.
I also need the circuit to be as small and simple as...
Scotty, yes, it probably is very simplistic to you, but my electrical engineering knowledge stops at a module I did back in my undergrad years at uni. I do know what you mean by "dubious provenance", explain please..?
MacGuyver, I mean I hope that when the user presses the switch in direction...
Hi guys, I want to design a CR circuit such that when a switch is closed a motor powers up slowly (as opposed to full torque instantaneously) and when the switch is opened the motor stops straight away. The motor has to rotate in both directions so the ciruit has to have a SPCO switch in it.