Hello Everyone,
I am modeling a column-base plate connection in SAP 2000.I have modeled the nonlinear behavior of anchor bolts using Link Elements (assigning force-deformation relationship to multi-linear elastic link elements). However, I also need pretension force in the bolts. I can't replace...
Hi Osquro and everyone,
Currently I am working on a model in which I need to define a non prismatic section in SAP2000. Below is the syntax that I wrote for that. I was able to get the two cross section that I am going to define at starting and ending node but unfortunately the non prismatic...
Hi Osquru,
You are right. I just checked my previous models and I found another way of doing the same thing is to initialize as below and then assign value.
Value = logical(zeros(6,1));
for i=1:6
ret = SapModel.ConstraintDef.SetBody('Body1', Value);
That's how I was doing...
Hello everyone,
I am defining a body constraint in my model with all Degree of freedom constrained. I am facing a problem in getting this body constraint. When I run the following syntax:
Value(1) = true;
Value(2) = true;
Value(3) = true;
Value(4) =...
I am in trouble again. I want to assign solid surface springs at the bottom surface of the solid which I am modeling.However I am not able to execute this syntax and its giving me following error.
No method 'SetSpring' with matching signature found for class...
You are right about the input arguments that if its not an optional argument then you have to provide something.
Thanks for writing this code explicitly. It has become clear now.
From where can I get API help file ? I cant find that in my SAP2000.
And up till now I have...
Thank you do much for the reply. Now my code is working just fine.
Regarding your code I checked it with every other possibility. Your syntax looks fine to me. The only problem is that your input data:
force = [-qy2; -qy2; -qy1; 0; qy1; qy2; qy2];
displ = [-2*vy2; -vy2; -vy1; 0...
Thanks for the tip Osquro but I still cant get it added in SAP2000(although it executes in MATLAB, I mean ret=0).This is my main code in MATLAB...I have defined a nonlinear dead load case and wanted to add load type as load pattern and load name as DEAD with sf=1...
I have the same problem as jsipple has. I have added a nonlinear load case for eccentric load using ret=SapModel.LoadCases.StaticNonlinear.SetCase('eccentric');
However when I am trying to add load to it by following syntax...