Thanks for the details f-d! (I'm in Rockbridge county)
I'm reporting directly to homeowners now as I attempt to start my own retaining wall and landscaping business rather than just working on a crew building according to the boss's standards. Just figuring out how to explain why it is or...
I'm sure there are some contractors out there putting a leveling pad down to frost depth, but I think it's the exception more than the rule. Most are content just trenching 6-12" to get rid of the topsoil, burying half or more of the base course of rocks. But like I say there is a lot...
Well looks like it's two for drain rock and perf pipe and one for overkill. Thanks for everybody's input. Anybody else want to give their two cents?
What are everybody's thoughts on frost heave concerns for a wall of this type. Any good mitigating measure there or just let it rise and fall...
There seems to be a fair amount of discrepancies when it comes to designing dry stacked natural stone retaining walls. While I have read the federal rockery manual concerning dry stacking with large boulders (250 pounds and up) and it seems there is consensus for drainage practices (drain rock...