From what I know, there will be two shifts. 1200 men per shift. Each man has his own room w/ lav, shower and water closet. There are 34 rooms per floor with three commerical washer & dryers per floor.
Bringing the services to the site is not in my scope of work. I need to give them a size and usage and the client will do the rest. This camp is isolated in northern Alberta, i.e. oil & gas.
I apologize, I should be clearer. The sprinkler system is for fire suppression. I think I will bring a separate 6” service for it. Wow 200 USgpm is a lot but the math looks good to me. Where did the 100 gal/day-person come from?
I'm trying to size a water service for a 2500 man camp. The Canadian national plumbing code does not size anything over 690 FU. I have 15,000 FU plus a full comerical kitchen plus a wet sprinkler system. How do I start to calculate the water service for something this big?
I'm trying to size a water service for a 2500 man camp. The Canadian National plumbing code does not calculate anything above 690 FU. I have 15,000 FU plus a full comerical kitchen plus a wet sprinkler system. How do I begin to calculate something this big?
The load software I use is Carmel Loadsoft 6.0 I'm looking for the user manual. I can't find any info on this program since Autocad purchased the rights from Carmel to incorporate it into MEP. Any ideas where I can find it or a useful forum?
Well, I do commercial buildings in Northern Alberta mostly. I could estimate by air changes per hour. I have no idea what would be a guess, 5 maybe, 10? Any suggestions would help.
I have a questions on estimating air changes per hour when estimating infiltration/exfiltration. I use loadsoft 6.0 for doing load calcs. I have a technologist who tells me not to enter in air values for infiltration and use a formula that another engineer they were working for showed...
Thanks zdas04,
You right I should be more precise. It must be a choke. I have attached a schemiatic.
I'm a new EIT in the world of mechanicl design for a firm that does building design. I'm the only mechanical guy in my firm i.e. no senior P.Eng to help me with questions.
Anyway I was looking at some mechanical drawings form another consultant. I noticed that on a cold water supply line, they...