I am using a metal deck section for floors with f11=f22=f12=0.01 also.
I am just wondering how accurate the load distribution in my diaphragm is once I have set that membrane stiffness to 0.01...
Do you have any experience on that?
Thanks a lot
Hi all,
I was reading this old post that dealt with axial loads in beams part of braced frames.
In my model I am using a semi-rigid diaphragm to capture the axial loads in beams due to eccentric braced frames, but I would like this axial load...
Thanks a lot for your answer.
Actually, I eventually realized that I had a few instabilities in the model (due to several changes etc.).
I found them by re-running the model on a Linear Load Case with the standard solver. Then I turned back the multi-threaded solver, and the nonlinear Load Cases...
It is my first post here, so I would like to thank you all for the answers I have already found here, and for the ones to come!
I am running across a problem while doing a nonlinear analysis on SAP2000. I am running the NL because I have tension-only bracing. I have different Load...