Hi and thanks for the reply.
No offence taken..
Im just trying to ask questions to find out what may need to be done and how easy it is to do so.
I am no expert in configuration control, but im sure i can read up and at least understand the principles.
Obviousley i would not be on here if i...
Another thought,
Could the ECO be drawn on a new layer withing the CAD file.
This could be switch on to edit/add to the information/ create new ECO#. Then switched off to create drawing.
Thanks for the info so far!
Basically the whole system is being brought up to scratch as we are now ISO9001.
The Issue number system was just the revision A1 to start and then moves to A2, A3 etc.. Thats it..
I thnk the way things are done here could be improved allot and this is one...
Im a new CAD designer working for a manufacturing company.
Basically we have some confusion over the best way to create a revision change system.
Currently we use A1 as the 1st design / quote / job. Then progress to A2 when a change is implemented.
The problem we have is that the whole "up...