I have a set of drawings from the 1970's which shows a cast in place concrete beam. The beam is 25-Ft long, 1'-9" deep, and 1'-6" wide. The beam is integral with the concrete slab.
The section thru the beam does not show the reinforcing layout, but there is a note describing the reinforcing as...
I was reviewing a set of bridge plans and there was a note that stated all existing steel would be "abrasive blasted to a SA-1." Any ideas on what SA-1 is referring to? Is this referring to a specification on abrasive blasting or a surface finish.
I have a 4-story steel structure with a basement level that is 20-ft below finish grade. The basement walls are 15" thick poured concrete walls. When calculating the seismic dead load of the structure (for the purposes of calculating seismic design base shear) should you include the weight of...