Thanks, I will certainly look at that. The other thing that might be of use is if anyone could even supply an idealised scenario, as in what would be a typical generic specification for a modern airline chair? In other words if I wanted to comission someone to build one for me, what exactly...
Well really this is a project that in many ways seeks to lessen airline liability. So that is a kind of frustrating aspect of it. Even legal beagle web sites are duty bound to keep client data confidential.
But the degree of secrecy is a little bemusing.
You might think that anything someone...
Man I feel like I'm wasting forum space here - I'm sure there must be an edit button somewhere... Anyway do you have links to any of these sites? The only one I could find waqs the last one you printed.
I agree too that the propriatory nature of some of this information might be a hurdle - so I...
I guess what I'm looking for also is contacts who can answer real direct questions - as from reading what you posted it is both extemely generalised and also poses several additional questions that I feel still need answering.
Thanks... But to be honest what I'm looking for is even more specific than this. It is actual test, specification and design data on airline chairs. I am also interested in direct statistical fatality and injury rates on board aircraft due to both crashes and accidents on board (for example if...
I am a part time (amature) inventor and engineer and I am currently engaged in a project which attempts to revaluate the subject of airline passenger safety – and specifically of airline passenger seat safety.
At present I am purely in the research phase of this project and am attempting...