I believe air binding is the problem because, when we backwash a filter it releases air and bubbles.....alot, like if it was boiling.
The transition was almost instantaneous, within 4-5 hours, which is our detention time from the head of the plant to the filters.
We have'nt tried "shock...
the plant is a 2.0 mgd, class two, conventional sand filter, surface water plant.we use aluminum sulfate as a coagulant, and lime for ph control. To avoid algae growing in our sedimentation basins, we add potassium permanganate at the head of the plant right after alum and lime.There is a 4 hour...
We recently moved our cl2 injection point from the head of our plant, to the top of our filters in order to help our disinfection by-products{tthms and haa5s).This has succesfully lowered our haa5's, but our filter run times have been reduced from 50-60 hours down to 15-20 hours.We have tried...