When an API-650 tank is asked to be designed for steam out condition @ 148°C, where as my design temperature is 70°C, Should i need to bring in the requirement of Appendix M (reduction factors for allowable stresses) for external pressure(App.V) calculations.
Hello all,
Is seismic design required for individual members (rafters) of a dome roof supports in API 650-tank? The rafters are now designed for live load, dead load and wind loading. If seismic is mandatory for roof support design kindly provide any reference for the same.
what is the exact philosophy followed in calculating moment due to wind and seismic at base?, In the sense what are the parameters involved in calculating the base Moments?
then what is the exact philosophy followed in calculating moment due to wind and seismic?, In the sense what are the parameters involved in calculating the Moments
Both wind and seismic moments are they the exact product of respective shear and COG?, i try to find that in most of the cases there is huge variation between (SHEAR X COG) and actual value obtained in the calculation. Kindly clarify me
Thanks marty, i have tried forcing this area to be added from the options menu by checking on the "Compute stresses in weld" option and i could find the result being changed. The Analysis is being performed for the junction
Thanks for your help
In Compress, during the analysis of FEA for Self reinforced nozzle, the result FEA model shows as if nozzle is not attached to the shell, there is a huge gap between nozzle and shell. This raises the doubt whether compress actually check the nozzle to shell weld junction for Self reinforced...