Unfortunately, the building had one of these heads let go a couple of months ago. They did keep that head but had all the other heads replaced. This head is the one that caused the replacement. The building owner was having the insulation in the attic re-done and the insulation guys heard this...
Please see attached picture. Has anyone run into this before? The rubber o-ring on this head has pushed out the side. Was this head recalled? It is a Globe Model JN 1998. I could not find any info on Globe's website.
Well, that's the crazy thing. In our area hydrants are painted yellow (which means they belong to the county and we can not touch them) or they are painted red (which means they are private and we can flow all the water we want). As far as water usage goes, they don't seem to care. I've been...
After reading all of the posts I have a question for the forum. What are you to do when the local water municipality refuses to do an up to date flow test? We had a project where the existing water data was about 15 years old. The water municipality said, "the water data has not changed in years...
Look at this link to Viking Plastics Installation and Design Manual, Specifically pages 9 and 10.
One thing that nobody has brought up yet is the problem some places in the country are having with MIC. If the ITC is located at or near the riser there will be a minimal amount of oxygen reintroduced to the sprinkler piping. With the ITC located at the most remote area or branch line, every...