Dear Gearguru and Dinjin,
Thank you for your efforts.? am studying hard to learn what i need.I will try to revise the programme,i started to learn what it makes by exercising a lot.
I will buy mechanic's handbook,i will have it in 1 months,i think.We have lots of books but not have a book like...
Dear Occupant,
Yes,we are working on involute splines.Our pressure angles are not constant as 30 in gears,it changes to standart and e.t.c.
I am new to working and i am a new graduate of mechanical engineering.I have been working for 6 months and now i am responsible of a project.
Thank you firs of all.I found late but there is no problem.I divide 25,4/m and then divide it by 25,4 to inch and i get what i need called DP :)
Dp*m=25,4,you are correct.
? just understood as i told gearguru above.Now,i can draw with using module or either D.P.The problem...
Dear dinjin,
I couldn't write your handle because ? have forgotten it.What i was looking is you !
The programme works in default mode.Attached you can see your default spline in autocad.
I want to ask you;
1-)The do=m*z in metric but in drawing Dp.z=do ?
According to this is module and DP...
I have to first say that,i am really surprised about issues in this forum ! What a great site is this !
I am working as a young engineer in Turkey.We are manufacturng broaching tools.
The important issue for me is,i am looking for a program that will calculate or give us dxf...