Thank you both for your reply.
You are right that option (b) is the best, but not the only one. Our exchangers are designed per ASME VIII Div1. It does NOT require mock-up for tube-to-tubesheet strength weld. So, during maintenance, with limited resources, we went to the easier one...
Hello everybody,
We are planning to conduct Procedure qualification for welding tube-to-tubesheet partial penetration strength weld of HEX. We have chosen to go for qualification by Groove Weld as per ASME IX QW-202.6(a).
The tube thickness is 2.11mm. The thickness of tubesheet is 60mm. Higher...
Hello everybody,
I have two PQRs both welded utilizing SMAW process. One with 7.11mm plate and the other with 25mm plate. Combining these two PQRs to support one WPS, what is the base metal thickness range and maximum deposited weld metal qualified. Impact test is not required.
Hello folks,
Recent Cathodic Protection survey of buried propane and butane tanks indicated that they are underprotection.
After investigation, the CP technicians think that low protection is due to huge current leakage much higher than the design calculation. They recommended to install...
Hello folks,
In our 10-year old Sulfur Recovery Units, we encountered steam leaks in the acid gas preheaters (BXU-type exchangers), frequently.
The steam leak usually starts just after 1 month operation. Many measures were applied to stop this issue without successful:
Flange facing lapped to...
Hello all,
During the first inspection campaign of a ten-year old MDEA Absorber, cracking was found by PT at 5 out of 12 longitudinal seam welds of the top head 316L (NACE)cladding. Nothing abnormal in the construction MDB documentation. The vessel has been running for 10 months after the...
Hello EdStainless:
1) it is unfeasible to remove coupons to the lab for analysis.
2) Corrosion Allowance is Zero.
3) PWHT was a service requirement. thus for repair you either have to follow ASME VIII and go for PWHT or you follow API 510 or NBIC. my question was which one to do.
That is...
Hello all,
During the first inspection campaign of a ten-year old MDEA Absorber, cracking was found by PT at 5 out of 12 longitudinal seam welds of the top head 316L (NACE)cladding. Nothing abnormal in the construction MDB documentation. The vessel has been running for 10 months after the...