Found another way to produce latex files, unfortunately the driver didn't work, anyway I used Word for many documents, then I changed to Latex, it's a lot more powerful
still not working, it depends on ghostscript, anyway let's try a different way: can I batch convert idw files into pdf? I don't want to open them all and print to pdf, is there a program to do so?
Thanks Matteo
Latex is a system for writing text documents, it naturally imports eps filesm thus I need to have my drawings in eps file format, I use it to realize user's manuals for my plants.
I already have gimp with ghostscript and it works with mechanical, I installed a ps plotter in mechanical and I print from it to eps file, then i open the file in gimp to cut it and finally i inster it into a latex file. Unfortunately as I print directly from Inventor (I tried with many...
Hi, how can I save/print to eps file format from inventor? At the moment I save to dwg, then I open the file in Mechanical and print in to eps, then I open the eps file with gimp to cut it before importing in Latex document. Is there a shorter way? I installed a ps printer, the I set it up to...
I suppose that crowned means something like "rounded", is it right? At the moment we have:
-the strip is not well cut, one side can be ticker than the other or can be longer than the other, unfortunately I cannot make anything on this...
-I'm going to unmount most of the rolls to round them...
Thank you so much for your answers. My question was posed because I have a problem similar to the one described for belts, so I'm not looking for examples on how to solve it, but I'm looking for something that will explain in details the physics of the problem. The exact problem I have now is on...
I'm looking for a book/an article on how to guide a flat belt, I saw many drawings on how to keep centered but nothing on how to calculate rolls' shape.
Thanks Matteo