If there is such a high mark-up on the Nuclear types, there are new field-density units that work with electrical current. They are pricey compared to new Troxlers, Humboldts and CPNs - here in the US, but may be practical for your location.
In certain circumstances, additional cylinders are cast at the time of the laboratory specimens and allowed to cure in the same environment (exposed) as the in-situ concrete. The additional cylinders can be used as "Field Cures" to mimic the curing conditions in the field for informational...
I had seen on another post, by conceng(materials), that dividing the actual batched quantities by [1+(mc/100)] would yield the saturated surface-dry aggregate weights. From further analysis, I would think that the first part of that equation would give you total moisture in the batched...
I am currently at issue with an existing equation used to calculate the weight of water in a concrete mix and ultimately the water/cement ratio.
Sand Wt: 13,270 lb's ---- 4.9% Moisture Content
Coarse Agg. Wt. 6,800 lb's ---- -0.5% Moisture Content
Wt. of H2O added at...