It's the FEMA 361, Design and Construction Guidance for Community Shelters. It's a 222 page document that I'm currently skimming through, but haven't seen anything on this subject yet.
Can an MCC room be used as a storm shelter?
I've been searching for some info on this subject and can't find anything anywhere.
Does anyone have a referenced source?
Thanks for the help!
Hero or fool? That's very true. There's no middle ground.
In our plant, we use kettles to cook the free moisture out of FGD and a kiln to dry wallboard. It might be best served to reuse this heat to keep these kettles and kiln temps up.
Hi All,
I'm new to the forum, and also a recent college graduate who has taken on a job as a Plant Engineer. I'm looking for some guidance on a project idea I had.
At my facility, we discharge (waste) approximately 200 million BTU/hr of hot air exhaust into the atmosphere. I was trying to...