rbulsara may have been right after all.
Today I replaced the 500mA quick-blo with a 3A standard fuse and all is well. When the slo-blos arrive I'll be putting one inline and retesting.
AC out is 48.2V so thats cool.
Many thanks to all!
Thanks to rbulsara and skogsgurra.
I just reviewed the booklet for the project and it does state that slo-blo fuses be used, so that's the first thing I'll apply. On order!
As for the reversal of phasing, it can't harm so I'll try that as well.
You guys are all fantastic. Thanks for being so...
Thanks dpc...
So you don't think I'm wiring up wrong?
I don't have a megger (only a low cost Fluke 7-300 meter) but might be able to put togther a variable AC input to see what happens.
I like the idea of the lamp in series... might try that too.
Hello folks,
I need to be guided if I am being really stupid or not...
I have a seemingly "never used" power transformer with dual primaries and a single secondary. The primaries are labelled (left to right) 0, 120, 0, 120, and the secondary is labelled 45V.2A (no apparent spaces between the V...
Thanks to both cbarn24050 and ScottyUK...
I ceratinly have no great expecttaions on quality from this vintage amp - though when I used one through the 70's as a guitaer practice amp, it was the dog's nuts!
The cap (ScottyUK) was a 1000uf, not 10,000uf, so I'll be heading on a 1000-2200uf...
Thanks for the maths! That may help a lot, partic the 50W into 8ohms part. I'll have a look to see what caps I can get that are dinky, good quality and can handle that current rating.
Thanks VE1BLL,
You are right - its in series with the speaker!
The big cap has no "markings" so I have little to go on when I'm looking at specs.
The parts were not included "since it is a bulky component and inclsing it in the Z50 [the amp] would substantially increase its size, In addition...
I have acquired a vintage (1970s) transistor amp (Sinclair Project Stereo 60). Its a 50W stereo amp kit for general use.
Docs say it needs an output capacitor on the line out of each amp and the cap specified is 1000uf 63V "anything less may cause a reduction in bass".
The artwork...