Thanks Ben,
I'm still not there yet. I have a printer directory on my C:\ that our UG admin must have set up. It contains a file called "BP.dat" that has very little info in it. It has another file named "defaultprofiles" that shows a list of all my available printers and plotter when I open it...
I copied the following bit of code from the UGS site to plot all drawings in NX 3(Note: I replaced their default plotter name with my hp1050c)
string/ dname(30)
inextn/ &drwg
a20: dname = nextn/ ifend, a70...
Thanks looslib,
I've been searching all over the manual trying to find out how to get the info.
This is my first GRIP program so I was hoping there would be a straight forward way to get this data.I've learned a lot of other things about the GRIP language in the process of searching though.
I am trying to extract information from selected cylinders in a model and get the following information for each:
Point of origin
Diameter of Cylinder
Height of Cylinder
My process is as follows:
1. Prompt the user with a "MESSG" to select cylinders for data extraction.
2. "MASK"...
I want to try and write a GRIP program that will allow me to extract the coordinates of certain cylinders in a model and export those points to a text file for import to another program.
I have gotten some great ideas and starting points from this forum and the GRIP Library but when I click on...
Thanks for the replies
I was kind of hoping you could manipulate the UG macro like a MS Word or Excel macro and have it pull values out of the active application.We will eventually be going to NX3 and if it has a VBA style editor than that will be very helpful.
As a side note: I am very...
I am very new to UG. I am trying to write a macro in NX2 that will let me export a jpeg of a model and save it with the active model's filename.
Basically I want to open the .prt file, adjust it to the view I ant, then run my macro to save it in a directory with the rest of my jpegs.