Hi everyone,
I have class 300 18" blind flange bolted to a manway. We are proposing to do a 1.5" drill and tap and thread a PSV in. My assumption was to follow Table 6 and 8 but they are a bit confusing as to weather its allowed or not because i feel like its not really addressing my exact...
Okay great thank you! Its going in a garage to hoist like an engine drive welders, other heavy parts, but I figured its a little more complicated than just one formula which is out of my expertise so hiring a structural engineer is what I will do.
Thanks for the quick responses.
I'm not a structural engineer. I went to school for welding engineering and in my statics and strength of materials course we did discuss something along the lines of this.
I have a span of 36ft that I am trying to figure out what size I-beam I would need to support 3000lb. I know there was...