wktaylor Thanks -
Mylars are maintained in a controled enviroment
ie: indoors, in air conditioned area.
And (for the most part) used in the same controled enviroment.
I'm thinking the customer has a spot on his audit sheet that says;
Yes - I'm sure it's a reprint of digital data on mylar or in some cases a reprint of older original extant drawings.
I assume if pressed by the customer our procedure should be something like:
- Store Mylars in a temerature controled area. away from ...dirt ...heat ...etc...
- Document delta...
I would hold on to the SAE hanbook - 'cause (as my mom always said) "you never know"
I have a DAC STD hardware Approved Equivalent parts book that was last up dated in the mid 90's and a color/Finish spec book from the 80's both of which I use often enough that they have not been filed away.
These are copies of the original mylars not the originals of course.
I think the issue is the stability of the inviroment, But I have to assume unles we are doing inspections on the face of the sun the mylar can't move enough to cause any real tolaerance concerns on a +/- .03" product.
We had a write up the other day from a customer who supplies their data to us, in part as un-DIM'ed MYLAR Drawings.
The write up was because we do not have a process in place to verify the accuracy of these customer supplied mylar drawings.
The tolerance on the parts in question is 0.03"...