Thanks brokensoul and cbrn for your help.I have a FEA model. In previous versions of ANSYS during the analysis the output window will show the mass of the model. In ANSYS10 i dont see the output window during analysis.
I tried to run the partial solution but i dont get the output window.Do i...
I want to find the mass of my model. How to find the mass of the model. Is ther any command available to find the mass of the model?
Thanks Brian. I was able to get the deformed coordinates. I am going to calculate the deflected angle manually using the deflected cocordinates. Is it possible at all in ANSYS to get the angle of deflection of the selected nodes.
I am doing a torsional analysis.There are few nodes(nodes which are important for the analysis) over the length of the body. I listed the cocrdinates of the nodes before the analysis but i cannot list the coordinates of the deformed nodes.
Is there any options in post processor to get the...
Thank a lot guys. nummrg,kp command solved the problem.
Thanks Brian and TGS4. I have just registered in this forum and impressed with your help.
I have been working on FEA of differentail box using ANSYS. I have meshed the box using 2d elmenet Shell93. After my analysis my back plate is disconnected. I tried to concatenate areas, its not working.
Can anybody give me some suggestions this problem can be solved.
Thanks for your help