interesting idea. not sure whether practical for me: the pump controller is secured to a cross strut about 100cm from the top of the well. and it's mounted on the vertical (making the button accessible only from the front). I also don't relish the idea of drilling this manhole...
yes - possible that I could sense whether there is a connection to the relay and then implement my own relay providing power to the pump. But that bypasses the cut-out device, rather than allows a reset. Big difference.
the well will partially refill continuously. so if I fire the pump every...
they are nothing special, no. I am on my fourth in fifteen years (they don't survive the winter very well). essentially they are low pressure switches. you turn a tap on, the machine senses a pressure drop and kick starts the well pump motor.
I know that
I have the box on top...
it doesn't matter what mechanism causes the trip, sod's law dictates that it will need resetting from time to time and almost certainly when I am not around to do it. So there is still a paramount need for a remote reset.
The diameter of the borehole is 100cm. I don't recall...
thanks. that would be my response to a typical electronics question too. However these well pump tops are so common that I felt sure that someone in this forum would know about them. They are sold everywhere in France so I assume that is the case elsewhere.
good point on the thermal cut...
And whilst I appreciate the practicality of your post (and i already do something similar) it is not an answer to my question. Which relates to remote resets of thermal cut outs.
yes - it is low water. the water table drops radically when the farmers over water during july and august.
i'm happy for the pump to cut out. but i want to be able to reset it sensibly, without taking the man-hole cover off each time. and yes, the reset button on the pump controller...
i have a well pump about 23m down a well. It's under a quarter ton manhole cover ...
at certain times of year the pump cuts out, needing a manual reset. the reset is on the low pressure head at the top of the well - but under the manhole cover.
there is no scope (budget wise) for...