I downloaded a scanned copy of this a couple of months ago. Can't remember where I got it though ;^(
Can't find any reference on Google right now. I can't offer to put up a copy anywhere because it's on my other machine which is half a day's travel out in the bush.
If you're using a fixed pitch prop suitable for cruise most of the blade will be stalled at zero speed. Efficiency increases as you accelerate but I doubt if you would even be getting 50% at take off (my CH701 could be pulled off the ground at about 25Kt but you had to accelerate in ground...
It depends more on the diameter of the prop than anything else which is why helicopters have huge rotors and jets are useless for STOL. Check out Chris Heintz Design College at www.zenithair.com/kit-data/ht.html for some useful articles on low speed aircraft.