So, the job is done! but one interesting point is that the replay file doesn't mention the opening of the file for writing. BUT I had to explicitely open and close my files to get it working as a script. Strangely it did not return an error message; but the files were not written. I simply added...
great thing that abaqus.rpy file! I think I'll get my solution that way. I did not know about it.
In fact, I read precisely the Scripting Reference Manual, but as you can see in your own answer, some arguments that are supposed to be "required" are not required in fact.
I think my displayGroup...
you're right, xerf, but seeing that the problem was linked with the filename, I had already tried all the solutions around this, especially this one.
So, my new code is:
myViewport = session.Viewport(name='Essai')
odbPath = 'hydro-mulet-2.odb'
myOdb = visualization.openOdb(path=odbPath)...
Hello members,
I am new here, and a beginner in scripting. So my problem is that I want to write field output reports, in large numbers, each frame in a different .rpt. I thought i could easily use a script and a loop, but I absolutely don't understand how python works. Anyway I found the...