Sorry. Let me explain in details.
In a vertical liquid-gas separators there are some possible arrangements:
a) Radial inlet. It's the classical vertical separator where the inlet is placed at perpendicular position related to the drum.
b) Tangenial inlet. It is a variant where the...
Some suppliers recommend a tangential nozzle inlet to help the separation. Other supplier says it makes difficult do predict the vertical gas flow patter and recommends a radial inlet.
Some petrochemicals companies recommend to use tangential flow when there is deep vacuum. In this case the...
Thanks for your answer. I think I understand it. Let me say my problem.
I need do dry a oil with 1% of water. So I heat it up to 120 C with a 0,1 bar(a). The gas/liquid mass ratio is low, but the volumetric ratio is high. What matter is the volume, so the vertical is the best...
I am looking for the GPSA Book to calculate a Liquid-Gas separator and a Liquid-Liquid separator, but I didn´t find it anywhere. Even at How can I find it?
I would like to know the differences between vertical and horizontal liquid-gas separators. Which is better?
Someone told me that is just a matter of how much is the gas/liquid ratio. It seems to me there are much more reasons to choose between them.
Does anybody know where I can find some technical papers, or manufactures, about "self cleaning" heat exchangers?
I have special interested on vertical reboilers with process inside tubes because it has around 10% to 40% of a mixture of organic and inorganic solids dispersed in...
Does anybody know where I can find some technical papers, or manufactures, about "self cleaning" heat exchangers?
I have special interested on vertical reboilers with process inside tubes because it has around 10% to 40% of a mixture of organic and inorganic solids dispersed in...