Wondering if anyone has any information pertaining to the adverse effects of galvanizing items embedded in concrete. More specifically, whether or not galvanizing reduces the pullout strength of anchor rods (bond strength vs. a uncoated rod), or if there is any information that suggests that...
Thanks for the info.
Settlement isn't a big concern as long as we're only talking a couple of inches.
So you're saying that the entire weight of the pier needs to be accounted for in the skin friction calc.?
My main question is whether or not you need to account for the total weight of the concrete (150 pcf) when you're using skin friction, or if you can take out the weight of the soil that you're removing to put the pier in. So if the soil is 115 pcf, you would only need the skin friction to...
The foundation is for a 100' tall ultility monopole. Basically it's just a 100' tall pole supporting utility lines. Large overturning moments (3500 k-ft), and small vertical load reaction (30 kips) other than the weight of the foundation itself. The 60' soil layer is all fill & is not to be...
I am trying to design a drilled pier foundation (caisson) for a monopole.
The problem I'm having deals with the vertical load transfer. The soil boring report identifies a large fill layer of poor soil from grade to approximately 60 ft. below grade. For this layer they identify an allowable...