Yes, floodplain study and it is my first one. My colleagues took on the project and then "ditched" me. I have only worked with HEC RAS for determinations on a single home (two or three cross sections). I have painstakingly taught myself everything I know by trial and error along the way...
I have the flow optimization toggled on as well as "initial split flow from output" to minimize iterations if that is what your are thinking of. Is there another iterations option that I have missed? I get convergence after a few itirations but yet a vertical wall on the right.
The ditch...
Yes, the Rt OB and Lt OB are connected. Since the Rt. OB flow would end up in the left reach I did try to ignore it. I ran the lateral weir right through the ditch but my WS elevs were not balancing. I was getting a vertical wall of water on the right end of my cross section for the right reach.
I have an interesting situation and am not sure how to approach it.
I have two parallel streams that share flow in a few areas so I am using lateral weirs to account for the flows. No problem. However in one instance I have this ditch. It is located between the two streams. It is...
Flow sharing is occuring in some areas well upstream of the confluence.
See attached schematic. Maybe my words aren't describing it correctly.
I have two streams that eventually converge into one. I know there is some flow sharing between the two so I have attempted to enter a lateral structure and have the TW over multiple cross sections. I entered the embankment stations and elevations and the corresponding user specified...