You wrote that a specific rule take over a general rule
I am trying to figure out if the requirements of 2704.3 for ventilation ... will need to have standby or emergency power as noted in 2704.7
same goes for the requirement of 3404.3.8.3 & 3404.3.7.3
if you apply 2704.7 as written ...
Thank you Stookeyfpe
The towns argues that once you exceed the storage which puts us as a H3, and then you have a open system ,even having one 5 gallon can open ..puts us in a H2 category ..since the hazard of having a open can with so much storage is increased and therefore they want to...
I thought so as well . and since my system will never have that amount of open cans ... i was going for H3 ....
The inspector of the town that we were talking to ...argues that any amount of open cans put us under a H2 since 307.4 says open systems ...and does not put a limit on it
How can i...
Hi Stookeyfpe
Thank you for your response
We will fill Class IB III Flammable and Class I II III Combustiable material
The filling machine is a closed type rotary filler ...Nozzle of can goes in to the can and is sealed as its being filled ... The issue we have is that once filled it will...
We have a liquid storage warehouse which is classified as a H 3 ... the issue we have, does dispensing in small qty on a filling machine classify the building as a H2
( we use a closed filling machine , but the cans travels about 10 ft to the capper)
does any amount of open cans or...