I apologize for getting back to you so late.
I have attached a pdf containing the models used in enlarged 1x2 unit-cell periodic analysis (page 1) and Bloch Analysis (page 2). I am using a simple beam element (B21) with just one element between the joints as I am not creating a fine...
I am trying to find the critical periodicity of a discrete structure using Bloch Analysis. From Bloch Analysis, I get the critical periodicity as 1x2. Now, when I compare the first frequency obtained from Bloch Analysis for the critical periodicity (i.e. 1x2) to the enlarged 1x2 unit...
I am trying to do multiple load case analysis in a static linear perturbation step with user element subroutine. It seems that only the first load case is solved properly. I do not get the correct results for other load cases. Please let me know if somebody knows how to do multiple load...
You have to use MPC subroutine to apply these boundary conditions. My MPC subroutine works because I have done Frequency analysis and the results match. But somehow when I do buckle analysis it says a nonzero load should be applied, which I did.
I am trying to perform Buckle analysis with Bloch boundary conditions. It gives me an error saying a Nonzero boundary condition is not specified. But I did define a non zero boundary condition at the virtual node. I have already used Bloch boundary conditions with frequency analysis and...
Thank you for replying.
I understand that I have to calculate stresses in UEL. I think I have to store them in SVARS and then call getvrm in UVARM subroutine to access these stresses. But I am not sure of the numbering and how they connect to each other.
I ran a static general simulation where I overlapped a dummy mesh over user elements to capture deformation. Now, I would like to see the stresses in the user element displayed on this dummy mesh. I understand that first I have to define stresses in UEL then I have to use UVARM to...
Thanks for replying.
It is a simple linear Beam element. I tried to find the FEM formulation for the beam element in Abaqus. I found it very complicated in Abaqus documentation. And I know geometric nonlinear beam element formulation from FEM books. I tried to replicate the same in UEL...
Hello everyone,
I am working on UEL to create my own element. I observed that in my model there are large displacements. So, I need to incorporate geometric nonlinearity in the model. If anyone knows how to introduce geometric non-linearity in UEL please let me know. Or if you know the theory...
Hello Rakz.mech,
I added an artificial imperfection in the location of the reference point (top). But the rotational spring still does not take any load. I have attached a CAE file here. Please let me know if you find anything. (The coordinate of top reference point is 0.001, 10.0)...
Hello Rakz.mech,
I was planning to do static general but in Abaqus if I directly use static general the spring will just compress because there is no imperfection in it. Imperfection is introduced in the model by updating the nodes by incorporating modeshapes. Am I right? Please let me know...
The question is, does Abaqus know that the measure of theta is w.r.t to the vertical? I think that is the issue here.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=b918aa40-d125-4f6c-833c-4dade5e9f9a3&file=Deformed_Spring.jpg