Well that's interesting. This other engineer is also a DER. He is pushing this notion, and has even written it down for this repair, that equivalent strength (unltimate tension case)equals equivalent durability. And some people are swallowing it hook, line, and sinker.
I on the other hand come...
The aircraft is a CH-47 helicopter. This beam-column directly supports the main transmission and rotor system. The beam is a machined frame. The concern then comes that if cracking initiates there are no natural crack stopping edges like that of a built-up / composite frame. (Some refer to them...
The original material was 7050-T7451. The repair material is 7075-T7651 due to availability. The member being repaired is an I-beam shaped member acting as a beam-column. Repair is essentially a double-shear splice with flat strap on exterior of the flange and angles on both sides beneath the...
Does anyone have any documented information on equivalent strength repairs / analysis? I’m currently working an issue in which an engineer has stated that equivalent durability (I take this to mean fatigue durability) is achieved through equivalent strength repair design / analysis. I have not...